Enbridge Gas Inc

Primary Contact: Emily Varga

Hello HBA Members, My name is Emily Morton, nee Varga, and I am the new Enbridge Gas Builder Representative for the Southeast area.

A little bit about me, I have worked with Enbridge for five years now, most recently with the Construction and Growth team. I have worked with many internal and external partners including Enbridge Engineering, Damage Prevention and Drafting as well as local municipalities and the construction industry in the area. All that to say, if I don’t have the answer to your question, I can connect with the right people here at Enbridge and get one.

My primary responsibility is to provide reliable and affordable energy solutions support to Residential Home Builders. As part of that, I would love to know what builds you might be doing in the next 5 yrs. This information will help us be more proactive in our planning process and get infrastructure installed to meet your needs. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to meeting everyone.

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Contact Enbridge Gas Inc

Call Now: 437-220-7432

Copyright © 2024 Haldimand Norfolk Home Builders Association.
Po Box 191, Simcoe, Ontario, N3Y 4L1.
Thanks to our members for providing amazing pictures to use throughout our website!